T-SIMD v31.1.0
A C++ template SIMD library
No Matches
Notes for Contributors and Maintainers

This page contains information for developers contributing to and maintaining the T-SIMD library.

General Information for Contributing

Contributions to the T-SIMD library are welcome. Please follow the following guidelines below when contributing:

  • Open an issue or pull request on the GitHub repository for any suggestions, bug reports, or contributions.
  • Format the code as described in the Formatting section before contributing.
  • Make sure the code compiles and passes the tests (see the Testing section) before contributing.

Overview over the project structure

The project is organized into the following directory structure:

  • src/: all C++ source files
    • lib/: all header files of the library
      • tsimd.H: main include file for the T-SIMD library
      • tsimd/: all header files of the T-SIMD library
        • autogen/: automatically generated header files
        • intel/: intel-specific implementations
        • neon/: ARM NEON-specific implementations
        • sandbox/: sandbox implementations for testing
    • test/: test programs
      • autotest/: test programs for the automatic tests
  • docs/: configuration file for generating the documentation with doxygen
  • scripts/: various scripts

All build artifacts are placed in the build/ directory which is listed in the .gitignore file to avoid accidentally committing build artifacts.

The whole library consists only of C++ header files, since it is a template library.

The header files are structured in such a way that every header file directly includes other header files it needs. This way, the order in which headers are included does not matter, enabling the code formatter to sort the includes.


The library uses namespaces for code organization. The main namespace is simd where all code for the library is located.

Internal Code

All internal code is contained in the namespace simd::internal, such that all code intended for use by the user of the library is directly contained in the namespace simd (not in any sub-namespace). This forms the public interface of the library.

The main purposes of this are:

  • Avoiding users of the library accidentally using internal code that might change in the future or is unintuitive to use.
  • Avoiding cluttering suggestions for auto-completion with internal code. (Typing simd:: and then using auto-completion only shows the public interface this way.)
  • Making the separation between public interface and internal implementation clearer.

The internal namespace is further subdivided into the following sub-namespaces for better organization:

  • simd::internal::base: Contains internal code for base-level functions and classes.
  • simd::internal::ext: Contains internal code for extension functions built on top of the base-level functions and classes.
  • simd::internal::mask: Contains internal code for mask functions and classes.
  • simd::internal::auto_test: Contains code for the tests. This code is not used by the library itself but only by the test programs.

Implementations for Different Architectures

Choosing different implementations is achieved the following way. Take the base level functions, for example:

The file base.H does not contain any implementations, but simply wrapper functions (which are contained directly in the simd namespace), that forward to the implementation functions (which are contained in the simd::internal namespace). For each supported architecture, there is a separate directory containing header files for those implementations. For example, the file intel/base_impl_intel32.H contains the implementation for the 32-byte SIMD instruction set extensions of Intel CPUs.

There is a special case for the masked functions. Implementations for different architectures are handled the same way, but there is an additional file mask_impl_emu.H containing emulated implementations for masked functions which are chosen by automatic overload resolution when there isn't a more specific implementation available.

There is also a special "sandbox" implementation for testing (which is activated by defining the macro SIMDVEC_SANDBOX), which does not contain any actual implementations, but only prints the function calls to the console.

Other functions than the base level and masked functions also have a similar interface wrapper layer with implementations in the simd::internal namespace but without separate implementation files, since they are not architecture-specific.


In order to give the SIMD_WIDTH template parameter a default value of NATIVE_SIMD_WIDTH if NATIVE_SIMD_WIDTH is defined but not cause an error if NATIVE_SIMD_WIDTH is not defined, the macro SIMD_WIDTH_DEFAULT_NATIVE is used. This macro is defined as SIMD_WIDTH = NATIVE_SIMD_WIDTH if NATIVE_SIMD_WIDTH is defined and as SIMD_WIDTH otherwise. It is used in the following way:

template <typename T, size_t SIMD_WIDTH_DEFAULT_NATIVE>
struct MySIMDStruct {
// code using the SIMD_WIDTH template parameter


The code is formatted with clang-format version 16 or newer (https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html, https://releases.llvm.org/download.html) using the configuration file .clang-format.

clang-format can be installed with the following commands for example:

$ pip install clang-format


$ pip3 install clang-format

To format the code, run

$ make format

This will format all files in the project ending in .C or .H.

The code should ideally be formatted after every change and before making a new release to keep a consistent code style.

Generating the documentation

Generating the documentation requires doxygen 1.12.0 or later (https://www.doxygen.nl).

To generate the documentation, run

$ make doc

The documentation will be in the folder docs/html. To view the generated documentation, open the file docs/html/index.html in a web browser.

The configuration file for documentation generation is contained in the file docs/Doxyfile (this is also where the files to be included in the documentation are specified).

Generating the single-header include file

Generating the single-header include file requires quom which is written in Python and can be installed with

$ pip3 install --user quom

for example (see https://github.com/Viatorus/quom).

Once quom is installed, run

$ make single-header

to generate the single-header include file build/tsimd.H which can now be distributed and included in projects on its own.


To test the library, compile the test programs with

$ make autotest

and run them:

$ ./build/src/test/autotest/test0
$ ./build/src/test/autotest/test1
$ ./build/src/test/autotest/testM
$ ./build/src/test/autotest/test_load_store

Testing different configurations automatically

To automatically run the tests for different architectures, compilers and other configurations, use the autotest.py script. This script uses the IntelĀ® Software Development Emulator for testing the T-SIMD library with architecture features that are not available on the current CPU.

The script compiles and runs the tests for different configurations in parallel, so it is recommended to run the script on a machine with many cores and a lot of RAM.

The script can be run with

$ scripts/autotest.py

The results of the tests are written into a directory starting with autotest_ followed by the hostname of the machine and the current date and time.

Releasing a new version

To release a new version, follow these steps:

Before the release

  • Format the code with make format.
  • Make sure the code is working properly by running the tests.

Creating the release

  • Choose a new version number according to the Semantic Versioning scheme.
  • Make sure that you are on the commit you want to tag as the release (usually the most recent one).
  • Create a new tag for the new version with the following command:

    $ git tag -a <tag> -m "<description>"

    For example, using version 1.2.3 as an example:

    $ git tag -a v1.2.3 -m "Version 1.2.3"

    It is important that the tag name starts with a lowercase v followed by the version number (meaning it must match v*.*.*).

  • Push the tag to the repository:

    $ git push # push the changes
    $ git push origin tag <tag> # push the tag

    (replace <tag> with the tag name, e.g., v1.2.3)

    This automatically triggers GitHub actions to do the following things (defined in the .github/workflows/ directory):

    • Compile and publish the documentation on GitHub Pages.
    • Create a release draft on GitHub with the single-header include file already attached.
  • Edit the release draft in the releases section on GitHub to add the changelog and other information. See the previous releases for examples.
    • Note that you might have to wait a few moments for the GitHub actions to finish before the release draft appears.
  • Publish the release.